Healthy Rhythms @ Senior Center

Event Date: 
Tue, 08/30/2011 - 2:00pm

Discover wellness through drumming!
Health Rhythms

Group empowerment drumming isn’t about drumming; rather the drum is used as a tool for communication and personal expression.Group Drumming can help:*Heal body, mind and spirit, *Stretch your creative muscles *Unleash vibrant energy for health*Wellbeing has never been such fun
Classes are “FREE” and begin Tuesday, August 30th and run thru October 4th from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Sign up in JeanAnne’s office or call 397-6100
Drum circles are an exciting “musical” way to relax and have fun playing the drums while creating “in the moment music and rhythms” No experience necessary!
